I've been collecting quotes and other things to help me and others deal with how daunting this world situation is. Just read in Communities Magazine about a dialogue between Alice Walker and Pema Chodron. Alice was talking about the hope that can be generated through activism. Pema explained that in Buddhism, hope is seen as another attachment. Alice then asked how you keep working for change if you don't have hope? "You don't do what you do because you hope it will change things, responded Pema, you do it because you believe that's the right thing to do." I'm not Buddhist, but this feels useful and powerful.
And when I do need hope, I read YES! Magazine.
"Yes! is a non-profit, ad-free magazine that covers topics of social justice, environmental sustainability, alternative economics, and peace. ...
"Yes! features community-based solutions to social problems, and "supports people's active engagement in creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world." Issues of Yes! explore a specific issue in depth, and provide resources so that readers may become involved in that issue." Wikipedia