Respectful. Empowering. Transofrmation.

Gentle, powerful transformation.
Caroig, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Alternative Mental Health Resources
Madness Radio
Go to the "Archive List" tab for more than 150 amazing radio interviews available immediately for streaming or downloading. Informative, uplifting, powerful.
Fireweed Collective (formerly The Icarus Project) for online support group
Offers mental health education and mutual aid through a Healing Justice lens. We help support the emotional wellness of all people, and center the needs of those most marginalized by our society. Our work seeks to disrupt the harm of systems of abuse and oppression, often reproduced by the mental health system.
Old Icarus Project Resources
Incredibly helpful and beautiful zines and posters:
Mad In America
Great blogs from excellent journalists, survivors/peers and/or professionals.
Powerful, political, inspiring, informing, activist network.
Beyond Meds
Recovery from Schizophrenia &
Two big-hearted, fiercely intelligent, really reasonable blogs.
Rethinking Psychiatry:
Dedicated to Creating a New Paradigm in Mental Health Care
Portland--based educational--activist group producing free community-building educational events about alternatives to the dominant mental health system. Join us on the first Wednesday of every month, from September through June.
Film: Dialogues with Madwomen
One of my favorite films and a favorite of Rethinking Psychiatry's 2014 film festival. Though it's from 1993, it is as fresh and relevant today. The film centers women, including women of color, and hearing their truths feels like a relief. I got it from the Multnomah County Library.
Films by Daniel Mackler
Now free on YouTube
Coming Off Psych Drugs: A Meeting of the Minds
My favorite of his films. Immediately useful, even if you don't want to stop, but want to be a more informed consumer and find the lowest doses necessary to decrease side effects.
Films by Ken Paul Rosenthal
Mad Dance Trilogy about bipolar/extreme mood states is beautiful, evocative and healing.
Eleanor Longden & Rufus May
Short, sweet video called Compassion for Voices
TED Talk by voice hearer and psychologist, Dr. Eleanor Longden
"Living Mindfully with Voices” by voice hearer and psychologist, Dr. Rufus May
Intervoice--The International Hearing Voices Network
Find free peer support groups and lots of great information, internationally or in the U.S.
Crazy Meds
Their tag line is "Finding the Treatment Options that Suck Less," for the “mentally interesting, by the mentally interesting.” Well researched and crowd sourced. Highly esteemed.
The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing
Practical, effective way to work with our inner experience, by Ann Weiser Cornell.
Also check out &
The Courage to Heal
Beautiful, deeply respectful and gentle book by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Such useful healing wisdom that I think it's useful for anyone healing from anything.